AlternateTaxAmount | - MasterCard version of VAT (Value Added Tax).
- Mapped to VATAlternateTaxAmount.
- For each Invoice Detail (ivd_type=product) query database with prd_key to get tax_linked_flag from oe_tax_product. If “1” then invoice detail has VAT/Alternate Tax Amount. Add these together to get full amount.
OR - Look up destination address country in co_country. If cty_vat_flag is set then Invoice Details are VAT/Alternate Tax.
AlternateTaxRate | - MasterCard version of VAT (Value Added Tax).
- Mapped to VATAlternateTaxRate.
- For each Invoice Detail look at each AdditionalInvoiceDetail and add up the prc_percent. This gets us the tax rate.
DesintationCountryISONumber | - Get Destination address (see Level 2 Destination Address), use adr_country to retrieve cty_iso_number from co_country table.
DestinationZip | - Obtained from Level 2 Destination Zip (see Level 2 Destination Zip).
DiscountAmount | - For each Invoice Detail, if ivd_type=discount, add them up to get the full discount amount.
DutyAmount | - Not currently supported by netFORUM, always passes $0.00.
FreightAmount | - For each Invoice Detail, if ivd_type=shipping, add them up to get the full shipping amount..
NationalTaxAmount | - A specific type of tax, can also be used in Tax Type for each line item.
- For each Invoice Detail, if ivd_type=product, use prd_key to select the following from oe_tax_product:
- tax_cty_key
- tax_county
- tax_city
- tax_post_code_min
- tax_post_code_max
- If tax_cty_key is not empty and tax_county, tax_city, tax_post_code_min, tax_post_code_max are empty, this is considered NationalTaxAmount
- If criteria is met, sum ivd_price.
ShipFromZip | - From the first InvoiceDetail use ivd_prc_prd_key to retrieve the ivw_whs_key from oe_inventory_x_warehouse. Use ivw_whs_key to get the adr_post_code where the items are being shipped from.
VATInvoiceNumber | - From Payment façade (passed to Mapper), use inv_code.
VATNumber | - If invoice has VAT Tax (see Vat Tax Amount), then use the CardAcceptorID (from Level 2) as the Tax ID of the seller.
VATTaxAmount | - Visa specific field for VAT, see AlternateTaxAmount
VATTaxRate | - Visa specific field for VAT, see AlternateTaxRate.